The connection between energy and force

Our operational definition of energy involved the ability of an object to change itself, or change the environment in some way.

Does a force always, or only sometime result in a change in the environment?


When the point of application of the force moves, then there is a change in the environment. So, let's consider the quantity: $$F\cdot d \equiv W$$ where $F$ is the force acting on an object and $d$ is the distance that the "point of application" moves. We call their product work '$W$'. Does this behave like you'd expect energy to behave?

Let's say you want to lift one or more books from a table to a shelf one meter above the table. If you double the number of books you lift, would you think the amount of energy needed to lift the books would be...

  1. double,
  2. the same, or
  3. half as much?

And look at what happens to the "work".

Units of work

Work is defined as: $$\text{Work}=F\cdot d$$ The units should be Newtons times meters.

This unit (for energy) is used so often, that it gets its own name:

$$1 \text{ Newton}\cdot\text{meter}\equiv 1 \text{ "Joule"}=1\text{ J}.$$


The force that you measured with the spring scales was the force due to gravity acting on however much mass you had.

This force gets a special name: It is the object's weight, $w$.

An object's weight is a force. It is the force (as measured by a spring balance) that gravity exerts on the object.

You measured

  • $w$ -- the spring force in "Newtons" due to some...
  • $m$ - mass in kilograms.
  • You found the slope, $k$, of the resulting line:

$$w=k\cdot m$$ where the constant, k, was (to one decimal place) 9.8. Our constant, $k$, has to have units of N/kg to make this equation come out right.

It looks like the same number as the acceleration of all objects (near Earth's surface), $$g=9.8 \text{ m/sec/sec},$$ due to gravity on Earth. Hmmm. This would only be true if $$\frac{\text{N}}{\text{kg}}=\frac{\text{m}}{\text{sec}^2}$$ which means that $$\text{1 N}= 1 \frac{\text{ kg}\cdot \text{m}}{\text{sec}^2}.$$

Let's run with this for the time being.

This means that the force of gravity on an object could be written as

$$\text{weight}\equiv w = mg$$

What does that mean for Gravitational Energy which we said was equal to the force of gravity times height $$\text{GravE}=wh?$$ This would have to mean: $$\text{GravE}=mgh.$$ You should verify mentally that this behaves like we'd expect the destructive capacity of books on shelves to behave.

  • Higher (increase $h$) means more GravE,
  • More massive (increase $m$) means more GravE,
  • If you're on a planet where the gravity is stronger (increase $g$) means more GravE.

How much work does it take to lift something?

The work, $F\cdot d$, that it takes to lift an object is the force of gravity on it--its weight--times the distance moved, which is the height, $h$, that we're lifting it through. Oh, this is just our expression for GravE: $$wh=(mg)h.$$

On the moon, an object that weighs 6 lbs on Earth weighs (according to a spring scale) only 1 lb. Approximately what is the acceleration of freely falling objects on the moon?

Video of astronauts dropping things. There is, by the way, no air on the moon.