Ready for service

On Wednesday of our last week in Lima, we had our own version of Match Day, when each SSTer learned where they would be going for service, what they would be doing, and who their new host family would be. The energy level was high as each opened an envelope revealing information about their next six weeks.

Three days later 10 students met at the Cruz del Sur bus station to depart for their new cities. Ashley, Ben, Hannah, Nick, and Tim headed south about 550 miles to Arequipa, while Becca, Chelsea, Jessie, Lauren, and Marita drove southeast about 250 miles to Ayacucho. The next morning the final group, Jackson, Julia, Kayla, and Tim, left for Chimbote, about 275 miles north of Lima.

Everyone made it safely to their new locations, and they are all starting their service assignments this week.

Our blog updates will be a little less frequent for the next six weeks; Kevin and Heather will be visiting each student while they’re on service (Chimbote is up first–Kevin will be going next week). We’ll post updates when we return with photos and news from each group.