Leaders and Families

Ready and waiting!

Jerrell and Jane Ross Richer will direct the Peru SST group for their fourth and final semester this summer.  Jerrell, Jane and their children — Sierra (11), Naomi (9), Teresa (7) and Jordan (5) — are anxiously awaiting the students’ arrival  Wednesday night.

In preparation for their arrival, the Lima host families met with the directors and coordinators on Monday evening at our new location:  the Methodist Church of Miraflores.

Celia Vasquez is serving as Study Coordinator this semester, organizing the lectures, scheduling the workshops and coordinating family stays in Lima.  Willy Villavicencio is the Service Coordinator, planning our learning and service activities on the outskirts of Lima, the highlands of Cusco and the individual assignments that begin in mid-June.

As always, the families were excited to read the profiles of their students and are looking forward to opening their homes to their North American sons and daughters this weekend.