Bearing Witness publishes MWC interviews

Snapshot Adi Walujo 1
“Maybe people think persecution is always negative, but for us we learned how to depend on God while our church was closed.” -Adi Walujo, Indonesia

During Mennonite World Conference Assembly last summer, over twenty individuals sat down in front of our cameras to share stories from their lives of “risk, opposition, suffering or sacrifice in the way of Christ.”

The videos and stories resulting from these interviews can now be found in a new section on the Bearing Witness Stories Project website.

Although the Bearing Witness Stories Project is primarily focused on sharing stories of costly discipleship, MWC Assembly presented a unique opportunity to hear testimonies representing a broader range of faith experiences.

The recorded stories span the globe, creating an inspiring portrait of everyday Anabaptist faith and God’s faithfulness in the midst of challenge and difficulty.

Each individual story is available in video and text formats, allowing for an even deeper connection with the emotion and conviction that ground these testimonies. Visit MWC Interviews on the Bearing Witness website to see the full collection of stories.