Farewell to Quito
Being in Quito has been an enlightening experience for all our students and faculty as we visited incredibly interesting and beautiful places that enriched our minds and souls. During these six weeks, we relished the classes, reflection sessions, readings, lectures, journals, and cultural activities. However, the most significant experience for students has been spending time with Ecuadorian families. SSTers were and are welcomed, appreciated, cared for, and supported by their host parents and siblings. Sadly, this part of the term came to an end, and we sent students to their new families and Service organizations in smaller communities across Ecuador. Before departure, we gathered to celebrate the great memories and meaningful shared moments with a culminating farewell gathering. The program included a GC performance of the Ecuadorian folk tale of Cantuña, a rap song cover from the popular television situational comedy Community, skits based on classes, GC’s Alma Mater, and many generous words from families and teachers.

The programs must go on…

Students performances were fallowed by words from families and dancing, of course!

The morning after the farewell party, students left Quito to meet their families in small communities and start the Service portion of the program.