Today’s devotion is from Leader Magazine.
This week’s theme: Show us your resurrection power and love
This week’s Scriptures: Acts 10:34-43 | Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 | Colossians 3:1-4 | John 20:1-18 | Matthew 28:1-10
Jesus’ entire public ministry was dedicated to showing his followers the new ways of thinking and acting and believing, but even so, it seems nothing prepared them for his turning death into this new thing called resurrection! We’ve been asking all the way through Lent: show us, Lord, your hiding place, your faithful love and presence, your living water, your definition of blindness, how to balance celebration and grief. And wow, did God ever show us! No one expected Jesus to do it this way! They thought his plan to bring in a new kingdom had been a horrible failure.
What has come to life in our personal, community, physical or larger world context that we hadn’t known to look for or for which we had given up hope? Might the power of resurrection begin with our own awareness of the miracles all around us—in the natural world of spring bursting from the dead-looking branches and fallow ground, to what living a holy Lent has incubated in our souls? Miracles are often those amazing things we’ve gotten used to. Imagine that you were born blind and this morning is the first time you could see. Look at the world with those new eyes.
Prayer: Show us, one more time, the extent of your power over death.
Show us how you can help us turn our present circumstances, world situations, and our hearts into the miracles of new life.