Print Request Name* First Last Email* Phone*Select Department/Office*Academic Dept.AdmissionsAthleticsStudent LifeCIIEOGCSMusic CenterDevelopmentMerry LeaOther (specify below)Department/Office*Billing Account Number*(For campus or off-campus printing.)Name of supervisor* (Advance supervisorial approval is required.)Job/project review and approval:*NameEmail (List all persons who need to review the draft print piece, starting with the person to give final approval. Use the "+" button to add additional people.)Origin of this print piece*New pieceReprint (no changes)Reprint with minor updates (text or photos)Reprint with major revisions (text or photos)Requested delivery to client date* Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY Title of the new piece*Title of the previously printed piece*Audience(s)*(Who are you trying to reach, such as current students, faculty, staff, alumni, churches, local community, etc.? Please be specific in listing the major audiences.)Goals and intended outcomes*(What do you want the audience to do as a result of your print piece? How will it advance the mission / vision of the college?)Assessment/measurement*(How will you determine and measure the success of this print piece?)Type of print piece*BrochureFlierLetter / envelopePostcardPosterProgram bookletSize of postcard4.25 x 6 (standard)5 x 7 (large)Size of flier8.5 x 1111 x 17Total quantity desired*Color or black & white*ColorBlack & whiteHow will this print piece be distributed?* Distributed at event(s) Placed on a table/display Posted on bulletin board Mailed without envelope Mailed in an envelope Other (please specify below) (Select all that apply)"Other" distribution method*(Please specify your selection of "Other" from above.)Content you plan to provide for the print piece* Text Photograph(s) Graphic element(s) (Select all that apply.)How you plan to provide the content*Attached belowEmailed separatelyWill drop offWhat you want Communications and Marketing to provide* Text Photograph(s) Design (Select all that apply.)Additional notes or instructionsA note about printing: Based on your deadline and quantity desired, the Communications and Marketing Office will determine whether your print piece will be printed on or off-campus. You will receive an estimate of the printing costs and the completion/delivery date.Files Drop files here or EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Privacy Policy AgreementBy submitting this form, I give permission for my form submission and visit to this website to be tracked, to have the data I provided and information about my browser stored, and for this information to be shared with select third parties as outlined in the Privacy Policy. I agree