The Sharks Potential in the Cure for Human Cancer

By: Vicki Toth

Medical research has found that the most deadly predator of the open seas might just hold the answers to mans dilemma of curing cancer. The primitive immune system and biological make-up of the shark has some things the human body lacks. Further research May reveal that we are killing the one thing that could help us cure ourselves.

I. Physiology of the Shark a. The Immune System

b. Squalimine
II. Medical Wonders That are Found in the Shark a. Squalimine - steroid that promotes antibody response and shrinks tumors

b. Cartilage - inhibits angiogenesis
III. How is this Beneficial to Man a. Advancement in Cancer Research

b. Possible Arthritic Treatment or Cure
IV. Results of Testing that Shark Treatments Can Possibly Work
V. What Does this Mean for the Deadly Predator of the Sea

Thumbing through the pages of Business Week, the headline read Maybe Jaws Can Put the Bite on Cancer. Interested, I continued to read the short article. According to the reporter, Otis Port, researchers at California State University in Fresno say that they have isolated four substances in shark cartilage that appear to inhibit cancer (93). Curious, I continued to read the rest of the article. The chemicals block a mechanism discovered in the mid-1980s at Harvard University: Tumor cells secrete a protein called angiogenin that entices blood vessels to grow close to cancers and nourish them. The shark extracts counteract angiogenin and the tumor starves (93). I sat there pondering the concept and decided that I would further investigate this intoxicating find.

Physiology of the Shark
The Immune System

It is obvious that the sharks and rays of the ocean have existed for a tremendous length of time, 450 million years to be exact. They have survived without dying from bacterial infections, diseases or viruses. This may be because their immune system has changed minutely over those 450 million years. It seems that cartilaginous fish have four different classes of immunoglobulin and that shark antibodies lack the specificity that permits recognition of the subtle differences between two similar types of bacteria (Litman, 68). Sharks antibodies lack the capacity to bind more strongly to an antigen during the course of a prolonged immune response, which has been determined to be an advantage in fighting infection (Litman, 68). Some would think that this inhibits the shark from being able to fight off anything. However, this ancient immune system benefits the shark wholeheartedly . Sharks have y-shaped antibodies with two light chains and two heavy chains with V (variable), D (diverse), J (joining), and C (constant) segments, and sharks also cut and paste their antibody DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) (Mestel, 43). The most distinguished feature of the sharks immune system is the fact that a large percentage of the gene clusters in every cell are inherited with their V, D1, D2, and J gene segments already entirely or partially joined (Litman 70). This allows for the variability from the sheer numbers of antibody genes, from the choices that can be made during joining and from the little changes made when those joins take place (Mestel, 43). Yet there are still the genes that never undergo joining because their Vs, Ds and Js are already pasted together. This ability to generate different types of antibodies is the best protection against the vast array of foreign invaders.
Small pieces of evidence also prove that the sharks immune system is not too prehistoric. RAG genes (encode enzymes that cut and paste antibody genes) and what look like TCR (T-cell receptor) genes have been found in the sharks genome. The TCR genes are spread over the genome with fewer chances for gene splicing alternatives (Mestel, 44). These two genetic pieces are the evidence that the sharks immune system resembles ours.

Interestingly enough, other molecules have been found in the sharks that help it to ward off invaders. Squalimine, a steroid found several years ago, is a potent killer of many bacteria and is also able to fight viral infections (Mestel, 44). It is a component of the shark stomach and other tissues, with the highest amount found in the liver (Altman, A15).

Medical Wonders That are Found in the Shark
Squalimine- Steroid that Promotes Antibody Responses and Shrinks

Scientists have seen the sharks immune system as a starting place for us to continue our fight to save ourselves from cancers and diseases. Besides their adaptable immune system, other bodily substances have been found to help fight off diseases. Squalimine is currently being tested to see if it may become a possible addition to cancer treatment. As mentioned before, it is a component of shark stomach and other tissues, with the highest amount found in the liver (Altman, A15). The research was compiled by working with glioma, a type of brain tumor. It seems that squalimine attacks tumors by suppressing the formation of new blood vessels. This attack mechanism of the tumor seems to change the cells shape through disruption of the exchange of sodium and hydrogen on the cells surface. Dr. Henry Brem of John Hopkins University, the research team head, quotes that,
The synthetic material that we created from the actual shark steroid showed that the size of the tumor was controlled and that the individual lab rat had a longer life span. If further tests prove positive, human testing may commence in a year. If squalimine proves fruitful, it will be added to chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery presently used today (Altman, A15).

Cartilage-Inhibits Angiogenisis
Cartilage from sharks is the main element in cancer research right now. Cartilage is avascular ( without blood vessels) and contains six to seven proteins that have the ability to prevent blood vessel growth (Lane and Comac, 43). The central strands of protein that make up the heart of shark cartilage are among the largest produced by any cell. It is these macroproteins that appear to carry the angiogenesis inhibitor (Lane and Comac, 75). The only disadvantage to using cartilage is the fact that it must be absorbed into the cancerous region as soon as possible to prevent the protein from being digested by proteolytic enzymes (Lane and Comac, 77).

How This is Beneficial to Man
Advancements in Cancer Research
The diseases that are affected from this research are those that are caused by or dependent upon angiogenesis, which is the development of new blood vessels. They include cancer, psoriasis, diabetic retinopathy, neovascular glaucoma, osteo and rheumatoid arthritis. Breast, cervical, prostrate, central nervous system and pancreatic cancer are the best tested cancers because they are heavily vascularized cancers (Lane and Comac, 108).

Possible Arthritic Treatment or Cure
Cartilage research is also tested on arthritic conditions as well. In arthritic conditions, angiogenesis speeds the destruction of cartilage because the new capillaries invade the cartilage and speed up its breakdown (Lane and Comac, 111). It seems that shark cartilage contains mucopolysaccharides, which are any group of carbohydrates containing an amino sugar and uronic acid, that fights inflammation. These mucopolysaccharides mix with angiogenesis inhibiting proteins to produce a response (Lane and Comac, 111).

Results of Testing that Shark Treatments Can Possibly Work
Experimentation is the key to determining if any of this fumbling around with natural cures is going to help humans. Lane and Comac, in correlation with certain specialists and medical doctors, have done test studies with lab rats to see what effect cartilage has on cancer treatment. In 1988-1989, an experiment with shark cartilage was conducted. 40 rats received xenografts, a graft of tissue from another species, of a human melonoma, which induced melonoma metastasis. Daily doses of an orally administered shark cartilage was administered as a water suspension at a rate of 1200mg of shark cartilage per 1kg of body weight. This was done for 28 days. Tumors decreased 17%, declining in size from 36mg on day one to 30mg on day 21. It was estimated when looking at the control rats that the tumor growth in one week doubles or triples its size once the blood network is in place confirming that tumor mass releases a substance that activates angiogenesis (69). From this experiment, it was noted that the cartilage is completely nontoxic and had no adverse side-effects on the rats.
This test was administered a second time, waiting two days after introducing the tumor mass before administering the medication. This test ran for 28 days as well, yielding better rates than before. Tumor mass had decreased by 40%, with the tumors decreasing from 41mg on day one to 27mg on day 21 (69).
In the late 80s, Dr. Carlos Luis Alpizar, M.D., the head of the geriatrics program in a social security hospital in Costa Rica, tested shark cartilage on a patient that he believed to be in a terminal stage of disease. The patient had an inoperable abdominal tumor that was the size of a large grapefruit. Dry cartilage was taken orally by the patient at a rate of 12g per day in three equal portions before meals. Miraculously, the tumor stopped growing within the first month. After six months of treatment, the tumor had been reduced to the size of a walnut. The patient regained his appetite, was again able to function, and was able to return to normal life (88).
In 1992, Dr. Roscoe L. Van Zandt, M.D., a gynecologist in Arlington, Texas, was working part time at Hoxsey Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico. He reported that there was a study of a case of eight women with advanced breast tumors. They had received 30-60g of orally administered shark cartilage daily. In all eight, after 6-8 weeks, the tumors had significantly reduced in size. Upon examination, obvious internal tissue changed color from pink to gray, a sign of necrosis (a condition characterized by the death of body tissue or cells that are still in place and surrounded by living tissue). In three cases, the tumors had become encapsulated. In two cases in which the tumors had become attached to the chest wall, they had become detached and freely floating. Tumors rarely come detached once they attach, eroding the bone of the chest wall. In addition to these eight, two with uterine fibroid tumors had experienced a disappearance of their tumors (Lane and Comac, 99-100).
Squalimine testing results were the same. In a Dutch study, cervical cancer patients pretreated with shark liver oil before receiving radiation treatment had far better survival rates. And in many cases, the tumors shrank significantly before radiation began, rendering radiation more effective (Hooper, 50).
From this testing and research, it is evident that sharks have much to offer to us. But the tests mentioned only recorded the good outcomes of this type of testing. We do not know how many experiments are unrewarding. And for most of us, this type of remedy sounds foolish and haphazardous. But to all the medical doctors working with shark cartilage research, it is the next leap in stopping cancer.
In addition to this research, there is evidence that sharks do get cancer. They dont get it easily, even when they are injected with carcinogenic chemicals, but the National Cancer Institute has diagnosed shark cancers that originated in cartilage, as well as cancers of the kidneys, liver, and blood cells (Beardsley, 24).

What Does This Mean for the Deadly Predator of the Sea
There is something else to consider in this big picture, how does this affect the shark? It is estimated that 5-7 million sharks are caught, killed, de-finned, and thrown back into the sea per year (Land and Comac, 131). According to Gil Van Dykhuizen, a research biologist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California, sharks are getting hammered everywhere around the world, its just that you dont tend to hear about it because theyre not warm, fuzzy animals (Mestel, 45). This definning is the main reason for the drastic killing sprees conducted n China and Japan yearly. There, they take seriously the possibility that shark cartilage does keep them healthy. Thus they make shark fin soup as a regular addition to any meal. Most sharks are overfished yearly by sport fisherman. Most sharks are territorial and overfishing in one area remote from shark population centers can seriously deplete the population in that one area. Not only do sport fisherman deplete the numbers, but tuna fisherman assist in the killing as well. Sharks get tangled up in the large drift nets used by these fishermen and die within a matter of hours to the lack of oxygen flowing into their bodies (Lane and Comac, 34). It is senseless and selfish for man to try to extinguish these predators of the sea. But because of the visious shark attacks that happen yearly, no one takes into consideration that sharks can be the next addition to the endangered species list.
Ancient immune systems and the chemical make-up of sharks have recently attracted the attention of medical researchers all over the world. The possibility of finding a cure to cancer and ending the pain of arthritis may lie within these predators of the deep. Research and development in types of cartilaginous remedies are being created and tested yearly, with hopes of finding a possible cure for cancer. Who knows where this technology can take us? The big question is, how far do we push it and are we going to exterminate the main killing machine of the watery ecosystem with the quest for our own survival? It remains a mystery.


Altman, Lawrence K. ìShark Substance Found to Limit Tumor Growth.î New York Times 1 May 1996: A15.

Beardsley, Tim. ìSharks Do Get Cancer.î Scientific American October 1994: 24-25.

Hooper, Judith. ìUnconventional Cancer Treatments.î Omni February- March 1993: 59-62.

Lane, Dr. I. William, and Linda Comac. Sharks Donít Get Cancer. Garden City Park: Avery Publishing Group Inc., 1992.

Litman, Gary W. ìSharks and the Origin of Vertebrate Immunity.î Scientific American November 1996: 67-71.

Mestel, Rosie. ìSharksí Healing Powers.î Natural History September 1996: 40-47.

Ports, Otis. ìMaybe Jaws Can Put the Bite on Cancer.î Business Week 21 November 1994:93.