Matt Hickman ’99
Matt Hickman ’99

Major: Psychology
Now: Coordinator of Youth Ministries, Amigo Centre (for nearly two years)
About his job:
The most enjoyable part of my job is the creative process – particularly the choosing of theme and curriculum for various programs. I read the headlines, pay attention to conversations in our churches, devour books and try to discern what issues folks are dealing with.
About his GC experience:
Learning critical thinking skills and communication skills – writing and speaking clearly and thoughtfully – is invaluable.
Goshen College provided me with a safe, caring community where I could wrestle with and shape my faith. I gained a deeper understanding of the importance of following Jesus Christ in every part of my life. I also learned about the foundation of Anabaptist-Mennonite-Christian theology – this golden thread ran through all my classes and activities at Goshen College and helped me come to see how faith and life can intertwine.
I came away from my undergraduate years with scores of friendships that I will cherish my entire life. Most unique, perhaps, is that I maintain friendships with Goshen faculty and staff.
About his vocation and life goals:
I feel called to a career in ministry. Currently that takes the form of youth programs in the camp setting. Camp ministry, at Amigo Centre in particular, appeals to me because my job brings together Biblical scholarship, environmental stewardship and recreation. I would like to model ways of sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship informed by my faith for the broader community. I would also like to become disciplined enough to become a writer.
About living with Culture for Service:
The concrete way that I put this concept into practice is in the work that I do with conference youth through Amigo programs. Philosophically, I have come to the realization that the relationship between “culture” and “service” is dynamic; they inform each other. When I serve, I am served, so that I may serve others.