Patricia Oakley Resigns

Patricia Oakley Resigns

The Mathematics Department regrets to announce the resignation of Patricia Oakley at the end of this academic year. Since 1998, Patricia has been the primary instructor for the three course Calculus sequence, Abstract Algebra, and Linear Algebra. She has also taught many other courses throughout the mathematics and computer science curriculum. On her own and in collaboration with students, Patricia has examined many connections between mathematics and the arts including symmetries and perspectives in drawings, visual proofs, axioms for origami, sounds of fractals, and knitted Mobius bands and Klein bottles. Patricia has long had a passion for sustainability along with related areas of small-scale farming and environmental concerns. Although she continues to enjoy mathematics and her students, she has decided that now is a good time to pursue more fully her other passions. We will miss her in mathematics but wish her well in all future endeavors!

For more information, see this article in The Record.