Presidential Search Committee meets Oct. 11-12

The Goshen College Presidential Search Committee gathered for their first meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday,  Oct. 11 and 12. The meetings were led by Faith Penner, Chair of the Goshen College search committee, and Carlos Romero, Executive Director at Mennonite Education Agency (MEA). The primary focus was to provide committee members with an orientation to the presidential search process, and to allow members of the committee a chance to become acquainted. Conrad Clemens, Chair of the Goshen College Board of Directors, welcomed everyone and provided the charge to the committee. Members of the President’s Council provided an introduction to Goshen College, highlighting goals and projections for the future. In addition, the committee began outlining a presidential profile, and survey questions for constituency groups. Looking ahead, some members of the committee will be on campus November 1, 2 and 3 to gather feedback from faculty, staff and students in a variety of listening sessions.

Faith Penner
Chair, GC Presidential Search Committee
Member, Goshen College Board of Directors

Carlos Romero
Executive Director
Mennonite Education Agency

Updates and information about the search process are available online at: