'The music department at Goshen College is dedicated to the cultivation of excellence in the areas of musical performance, pedagogy and scholarship. As a ministry of the Mennonite Church, we believe musical expression is a human manifestation of the divine impulse and, as such, serves as a window into the individual soul, a bridge between human beings and a means of corporate religious experience. Music department course descriptions and requirements of Goshen College.', 'meta_keywords' => 'music major,piano pedagogy,music in worship,church music,Music department course descriptions and requirements of Goshen College', 'meta_title' => "$name | $department Department", 'meta_title2' => ' - Goshen College', 'title' => "$department Department Faculty", 'subtitle' => $name)); ?> displayURL("http://gconline.goshen.edu/public/prod/course_catalog/bin/faculty-personal2.php?GC_id=$uid"); ?>

Guitar, Recording Engineer

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