May 2001 Delegation

CPTers joined in the regular picketting in front of the gate to Camp Garcia.
Many people had already crossed the fence into the Navy land while the manuevers were in progress. Some simply crossed it to be arrested. Others snuck across and hiked to the bombing zone, attempting to interrupt the bombing. The navy was forced to halt bombing numerous times due to the presence of protesters on the range.
Four CPTers crossed the fence. From left are HA Penner, Mark Byler, Rich Williams, and Brian Ladd. Mark made an eloquent statement in spanish to the effect that this fence should not be here, that this land belonged to the Viequenses and that the Navy should leave.

Navy security arrived within a few minutes. The four were ordered to lie face down, and were handcuffed behind their backs. The CPTers cooperated in the arrest. Soon they were taken away in a jeep. The entire scene was remarkably similar to what the CPT delegation role played a few hours earlier.

After being taken to the main island, they spent the night in the federal prison in Guaynabo. The next day after appearing in court, they were all released on bail of $300. Here they are standing outside the prison. At their trial in June, they received varied sentences from 30 days in jail to 20 nights in work release with 1 year probation.
In San Juan we went to worship in the replica chapel. This is a copy of an ecumenical chapel which had been built on the bombing range during the period when it was occupied. When the Navy removed everone, they took it down. But the Viequenses have built this replica which sits on a hillside in San Juan waiting for the day when it can be returned to its rightful place on Vieques.

Back Row: John Buschert, Harold Penner, Audrey Miller, Eric Meyer, Brian Ladd

Front Row: Rich Williams, Mark Byler, Matt Guynn


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