CSS reference

On the Web

This list is not exhaustive, but should contain most of the styles we've worked with.

CSS Properties we've seen so far

Text and typography

font-family Allows you to specify the typeface. Give the browser a list of fonts, ending with a generic one, such as serif or sans-serif.
h1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif }
font-size Size of text in relative (em or %) or absolute (px) units. This example rule scales everything (headlines, paragraphs, lists...) to be 80% of normal size.
body { font-size: 0.8em }
text-decoration Possible values include underline, overline and line-through. This example rule turns off the (default) underlining of link text.
a { text-decoration: none; }
text-align Possible values include left, right, center, justify.
h1 { text-align: center; }
line-height Spacing between lines. Default is single spacing. This rule sets spacing in paragraphs to double-spacing.
p { line-height: 2.0em }
letter-spacing "Tracking", average spacing between letters. This rule sets a headline with (forced) all capitals, and greater-than-normal tracking:
H1 { text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.5em;}
text-indent Horizontal indent of the first line in a paragraph. Can be negative (usually in combination with some margin-left) to create a 'hanging indent'.
p.hang { text-indent: -3.0em; margin-left: 3.0em }
font-weight values include normal, lighter, bold, or numbers between 100-900.
h4 { font-weight: normal }

Box properties

Space between the content and the border. Notice that you can set this for any side of the box, or padding for all four sides at once with a rule like:
.content { padding: 10px; }
Space between the border and other boxes. You can also set this to a negative value.
.hangingindent { margin-left: 20px; text-indent: -10px; }


You can set border styles one at a time on each side, separately for the style, width, and color, or eventually all four sides and all three characteristics at the same time. Possible styles include solid, dashed, dotted, none.
.captionbox { border-top: solid #333 1px; }
float float: left causes the box to move left, and other content will wrap to the right.
<p style="float: right; width: 200px;">
clear clear: left turns off wordwrap to the left of this element.
<p style="clear: both">
You may be able to accomplish things with margin that make it unnecessary to set a height or width. If you set height and width, look into setting overflow: auto as well, or set margin: auto
.content { width: 600px; }


z-index Determines the stacking order of the tag to which this has been applied. The higher numbers stack on top of lower number.
<div style='z-index: 99'>

Color and Background

color Text color for text, foreground color for other elements
body { color: #333; }
background-color Default is transparent. Note that background for a short headline may extend across the width of the page, or just the characters in the headline.
.content { background-color: #e0f0d0; }
background-image An image to be used as a background. If the image has transparent/translucent areas, the background-color you set will show through. body { background-image: url('gcseal.gif'); background-attachment: fixed; }
background-repeat How to "tile" the image. Options are: repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y, no-repeat.
body { background-image: url('gcseal.gif'); background-position: top center; }
background-position Which corner of the box the image should align too. Or set an offset with (x,y). Default is top left.
body { background-image: url('gcseal.gif'); background-position: top center; }
background-attachment Set this to fixed to keep the background always at the same position in the browser window independent of scrolling. Default is scroll.
body { background-image: url('gcseal.gif'); background-position: top center; }