Here's the wrapper div used to center things on the page. It uses a min- and max-width. See the styles below for full details. Notice that it's coded as an 'id'--it's only used once.

This is the lotsatext div.

This is the main container used for text, and it's flexible. By leaving a fixed width of space between the left border of this lotsatext div and the surrounding wrapper we have space where we can put in things like sidebar divs, and there might be several of those.

But when we print such a page, we'd like to have only this content appear: Not the navigation links in the sidebar. And we'd like to size it appropriately for printing.

Links, such as this one to our class page on printing will, of course, not be clickable when printed. But, we can still do a number of things to links to make them display in a more attractive fashion when printed....