Homework -- Relative links

This assignment is designed to get you familiar with the relationship between URLs and the filesystem.

You'll use:


Your assignment is to create five pages, each of which has a clearly labelled link to the next page in the sequence. The pages (in order) will show up at these absolute URLs, but you should use relative links to get from one to the next: Of course, you'll substitute your own GC user name to replace "joegc" below.
  1. www.goshen.edu/~joegc/links/page1.html -- "links" is a subfolder underneath what folder on your M: drive?
  2. www.goshen.edu/~joegc/links/page2.html
  3. www.goshen.edu/~joegc/links/sub/page3.html
  4. www.goshen.edu/~joegc/links/graphics/page4.html
  5. www.goshen.edu/~joegc/links/sub

Some details about how to make this happen....

Post the URL of the starting page on the Moodle page for this assignment when you're done.

more practice-test-ish questions

Can you figure out the absolute URL of each of the files referred to below? Making links has the information about what the ".." means. Roll over the link with your mouse: the 'tooltip' has the answer.

[in a page of Jill's at http://www.goshen.edu/~jillgc/aboutme.html]
<a href='contact.html'>contact me</a>

[in a page of Jill's at http://www.goshen.edu/~jillgc/aboutme.html]
<a href='hobbies/list.html'>my hobbies</a>

[in a page of Jill's at http://www.goshen.edu/~jillgc/hobbies/painting/art.html]
<a href='../../jill.jpg'>me</a>

[in a page of Jill's at W:\mypages\hobbies\painting\art.html]
<a href='../running/chicagomarathon.html'>I also run a lot</a>