Color and CSS

On the Web


castro5.gif Chapt 1, pp. 41-46, Appendix E or castro6.gif Chapt 7, 119-126, Appendix E.

An example

We'll almost always use CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) rules to set colors, though there are older ways of setting colors (as tag attributes, or using the <font> tag).

Modify your 'research paper' page to add these new elements, particularly these style rules to your page.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"

<style type="text/css">
  body { background-color: #999999; color:#503333;}
  h1 {color: #6666FF; }
  #content { background-color: #bbbbbb; padding: 20px;}
<div id="content">

See if this doesn't result in a page with a non-default background color, and level 1 headlines that are blue.

Notice that just one rule for the h1 tag will affects all the level one headlines in your document.

Anatomy of a CSS "style rule"

This whole thing is referred to as a style rule:

        body {
           background-color: #999999; 
           color:#503333;  /* This is the typeface color */

It has the following "pieces":

Hexadecimal notation ?! or base 16

In base 10 you count like:

In base 16 you count like (base 16 numbers will have a "#" in front of them...):

where #10=16. #FF=255.

You don't need to know precisely how to convert from one base to the other, only that a number like #F9 is much greater than #1F and things like that.

Hexadecimal color notation

Here's how we'll use this to specify colors:


  #000000 No red, green, or blue
  #770000 dull red (no green or blue)

as much red as possible (fully "saturated")

  #007700 dull green
  #000077 dull blue
  #999999 equal amounts of all three = gray
  #d0d0d0 lighter gray
  #ffffff As much R, G, B as possible = white
  #990099 red+blue = purple

Alternate color notation

Choosing colors

The easiest way to pick color values is to use a "color picker":