Electric charge, forces, fields


Study guide: Chapter 22

Four fundamental forces

  1. Gravity
  2. Electric/Magnetic (note: not separate!)
  3. Strong nuclear force
  4. Weak nuclear force



Static cling

A rubbed (statically charged) balloon sticks to a wall (which hasn't been rubbed!)

We understand this in terms of an induced charge [PhET].

Coulomb's Law

Electric force
$$F_e = k \frac{q_1\cdot q_2}{d^2}$$
  • $k=9\times 10^9 \frac{N\cdot m^2}{C^2}$
  • $q_1$ and $q_2$ are in "Coulombs" and can be positive or negative.
  • Charge of 1 proton is $q_p = +e = + 1.6\times 10^{-19}$ C. electron: $q_e=-e$.
Gravitational force
$$F_g=G \frac{m_1\cdot m_2}{d^2}$$
  • $G=6.7\times 10^{-11}\frac{N\cdot m^2}{kg^2}$
  • $m_p=1.673\times 10^{-27}$ kg
    $m_e \approx m_p/1800$

In vector form

With a "source" charge $q_1$ at the origin, and a "test" charge at position $\myv r$, the force that the test charge $q_2$ feels is:

$$\myv F_e= k\frac{q_1q_2}{r^2}\uv r.$$

$$\myv F_{e1} = \left(k\frac{q_1}{r^2}\uv r\right) q = \myv E_1 q$$


$$\myv E_1 = \frac{\myv F_{e1}}{q_1}$$

The electrical field at a position $\myv r$ points in the same direction as the force that a positive charge at that position would feel.


$$\begineq \myv F_\text{net} &=& \myv F_1 + \myv F_2 +\myv F_3+...\\ &=& q (\myv E_1 + \myv E_2 +\myv E_3+...) \\
&=& q\myv E_\text{net}.\endeq$$

Textbooks use as unit vectors $\bf{i}\equiv \uv x$ and $\bf{j}\equiv \uv y$ and $\bf{k}\equiv \uv z$. In the figure,

$$\begineq \myv E_1&=& 6\times 10^6 N/C \,{\bf i}+3\times 10^6 N/C\,{\bf j};\\ \myv E_2&=& 4\times 10^6 N/C \,{\bf i}-6\times 10^6 N/C\,{\bf j}.\endeq$$

The net electric field $\myv E_\text{net}$ at the blue position can be calculated from the vector components:

$$\begineq\myv E_\text{net} &=& \left[(6+4){\bf i} +(3-6){\bf j}\right]\times 10^6 N/C\\ &=& \left[10\,{\bf i} -3\,{\bf j}\right]\times 10^6 N/C.\endeq$$

Ejiri in the Suruga Province


Ejiri in the Suruga Province, by Hokusai, Katsushika. This inspired Canadian Jeff Wall: "A Sudden Gust of Wind".

Making the invisible visible

boys dayA flying carp can make the direction of the wind visible. (There's more to it than just the direction...also wind speed.)

What can we use to make the direction of the gravitational force visible?

A "plumb bob" (What's the point of doing this in golf?)

Depicting fields

Forest of vectors
direction and magnitude: vector.





direction; arrows; magnitude: brightness.

Field lines
direction: line (tangent); magnitude: ??

Rules for drawing field lines

$\Rightarrow |\myv E|$ is large where lines are close together, and small where lines are far apart.

And so, for an isolated charge lines should radiate equally in all directions.

Charged particles moving in electric fields

Particle moving in a uniform field

What's the electron's deviation from its straight path at the end of the field-containing region?


...from the reading quiz

The problem with determining $\myv E$ from a measurement of the force $\myv F$ on the balloon....

If you had instead measured $\myv F$ on a 'point charge' $q$.... do you need to know the distance to the VdG to figure $\myv E$????

The strange situation of "the" Electrical field if you draw the field of two point charges. What field is the second charge reacting to???


Dipole moment: $$\myv p = q\myv d$$

with $\myv d$ pointing from - to +.

Field perpendicular to dipole axis