Electromagnetic waves


Study guide: Chapter 32

  1. Maxwell's equations:
    1. modifying Ampere's law with the displacement current,
    2. the four Maxwell equations,
    3. $\Rightarrow$ a wave equation,
    4. ...for a wave that just happens to be travelling at the speed of light.
    5. Unification of electricity, magnetism, optics.

  2. Particles vs Waves

  3. E-M spectrum

Characterizing waves


nother figFrequency = # of waves passing a point in a time interval - [1/s] or [(cycles)/sec] or [Herz] =[Hz]

Seems like a larger frequency `implies` smaller wavelength

${\rm w a v e l e n g t h} \propto \frac{1}{\rm f r e q u e n c y}$

All other things being equal (particularly the amplitude), Higher frequency wave carries more energy than lower frequency wave: Imagine boats on the ocean being tossed up and down by these two waves.

Light from the sun