Final projects

Our retreat included presentations from each student on their final project. We heard about a wide range of topics related to Peru:

Translational problems and patient care in the medical mission setting

Disability services in Chimbote

Single mothers and their children in Chimbote

Multilingual education in Peru

The effects of poverty on education in Peru

Food and diet habits in Ayacucho

Native medicinal plants of Chanchomayo

Gastrointestinal infections in rural Peru

The effects of poverty on children’s health care in Peru

Inclusive and special education in Tarma

Coffee, fair trade, and free trade

Young mothers in Tarma

Reasons for abortion and the effects of the Peruvian law prohibiting abortion

Water-related health hazards in Ayacucho

Parenting styles in Peruvian culture

Perception and reality of nutrition in Tarma