A promising forecast

We're ready for the Spring SSTers!

We are pleased to report that the Spring Peru SST group can put away their winter coats after they depart from O’Hare Airport. The forecast for their first day in Lima is 77 degrees and partly sunny skies.

But wait, there’s more—much, much more—that they have to look forward to than just a beautiful Southern Hemisphere summer. We’ve got a busy schedule packed with language study, lectures, workshops, travel, and plenty of opportunities to get to know Peruvians and their extraordinary country.

Faculty directors Kevin and Heather Gary met with our host families on Monday evening in preparation for the students’ arrival Wednesday night. Our service coordinator, Wilfredo Villavicencio, shared a little about the SSTers’ upcoming service trips around Lima, and our study coordinator, Celia Vasquez, moderated a lively discussion about hosting Goshen students. Each family was excited to get the information sheet about the student who will be living with them, and everyone read about their new GC son or daughter (or brother or sister) with great interest.

All of us here in Lima are looking forward to the group’s arrival and wish them the safest of travels.