Words For the Weekend

     After such a full and intense weekend of travel, we spent a good portion of our weekly reunión today debriefing and processing all that we had seen and heard.  We divided the students into groups of three and then assigned specific places we visited to each group.  Their task was to briefly describe the experience and then to come up with one word that best connected to that location.  The following are the words chosen by each group.

Vicente Padilla’s FarmPerseverance (For the way Vicente and his family stood up to large cooperations to fight for the rights to their land.)

Ben Linder’s GravesiteInspiring (For Linder’s dedication to the people of Nicaragua even though it put himself in harm’s way)

Funarte and Las Mujeres Ambientalistas Empowerment (For providing children a way to grow and become self aware  through murals and for the way the women of the coop turned their struggle into a sustainable way of living.

La Galería de Héroes y MártiresHuman (For the way the mother’s heart-wrenching stories gave history a human element) 

 Never wanting to be left out of the process, our two sick students also came up with a word that described their weekend adventure:  Pedialyte (For the gallons of Pedialyte they drank to keep themselves hydrated and functioning)

Jen and Lisa